September Product Update

We've officially launched!

Posted on September 1, 2024

We have some exciting partnerships coming this month!! And we're officially launched! 🚀 🚀

This means that we're signing up paid users. If you have questions about your plan or access, book a call with me. We continue to offer free trials for new users, and referral benefits for anyone (including folks on this list) who refer new users.

What's New

Quick Search. You wanted it, we did it. Now, once you set up your AI-driven deep searches, you can head on over to the Quick Search button in Everpilot and search our database for influencers by handle or keyword. We have >500K influencers in our database. If we don't have the person you're looking for, you can always add them using the process below.

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Add your own influencers by handle. A long-standing user request - you can now upload an influencer by handle into your campaign! Just go to the Shortlist in any campaign and click "Add influencer" in the top right.

Lists. Organize your influencers into lists, and then add your lists to campaigns using the "My Directory" tab within a campaign.

New homepage. It's bright, it's beautiful, and hopefully it helps you find everything you need in one go.

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How To. Not sure how to get started? Here's a quick video guide to help you get started on your first campaign.

Coming Up:

We're working on campaign monitoring and outreach. We're also eager to build what you need! We welcome feedback and suggestions from this community on what would make this tool essential for you, so don't hesitate to reach out.

Thanks again for your support and your feedback throughout this journey, and don't hesitate to message me if you think Everpilot can help you, your company, or other people you know.

Warm regards, Anika (and the Everpilot team)