Everpilot for Affiliate Marketers

Grow your machine automatically. Our AI never stops searching for affiliate-friendly influencers, evaluating their fits, and pre-writing outreach emails for you.

Automate Influencer Discovery

Our AI manages an always-running influencer discovery process:

  • Ideating new searches based on your product and desired audience
  • Running searches against our growing database and deep search engine
  • Delivering results when it has something worthy of your time
Product Shot: Campaign Find Influencers Page

Screen for your Ideal Archetypes

Sometimes you've got an affiliate sweet spot. We help you screen for it.

  • You provide your ideal archetypes: language spoken, location, topics covered, and content style
  • Our AI scores each search result: delivering only those that pass your bar

Customize your Outreach

A personal touch always better than a cold form mail.

  • Get email addresses whenever we have them — we don't skimp!
  • Get personalized email suggestions for each influencer, based on their content
  • Integrate with mailing software using downloadable spreadsheets

Discover influencers today

Find the right fit for your brand, understand the content an influencer posts about, surface sensitive content, and find past brand partnerships.
Activity chart