Sourcing Low-Tox Wellness Influencers for an Affiliate Marketing Campaign

How we helped a DTC brand put growth on autopilot.

The Challenge

A wellness company wants to market their products specifically to consumers who care about healthy and nontoxic living. They want to find authoritative experts who are willing to work with a smaller brand.

The Request

The client came to us with the following request:

  • We want to run a new campaign in honor of national stress relief month — and we want to target customers who care about lowtox, nontoxic and healthy living. We also don’t have a huge budget to pay influencers with massive followings.
  • Can you find us influencers who are similar to some of the the big names in this community — and who might be willing to work with an up-and-coming brand on an affiliate basis?

The Solution

Using technology and plain-old smarts, we combined our client's best-performing keywords as well as the characteristics of their aspirational influencers, coming up with a list of thousands of influencers who might fit their needs.

We narrowed the list down to the right people, we quickly cut out irrelevant accounts, and focused on influencers who were:

  • Known, respected and followed — by others in the #lowtox community specifically
  • Had midsize followings — between 5k and 100k
  • Talked about or seemed open — to working with wellness products
  • Were similar in terms of topic and theme — to our client's aspirational influencers.

We shared the results with the client in an easy-to-search report. For each influencer, we also provided a detailed AI-powered analysis, so the startup's pro marketers could dig into the influencer's posting history, community credibility, and previous brand partnerships.

The Results

A list of 340 handpicked influencers, presented in a custom AI-powered dashboard. The dashboard included a custom report for each influencer, with information about past brand sponsorships, possible sensitive topics, and more, allowing the client to make a confident final decision.

How We're Different

We're not your usual agency — we don't have the same influencers as everyone else. Instead, our AI watches Instagram all day analyzing content and performance, enabling us to find fresh voices, niche celebs, and up-and-coming partners who are the perfect fit for your brand.

These are the real stars that most campaigns need — not nationally famous celebs that everyone knows, but amazing targeted people who hold respect and sway over important sub groups.

We can source prospects based on geography, niche passions, previous brand sponsorships, lookalikes and more. In addition to our unique technology, our team works hand-in-hand with your marketing team to make sure we've found you the right people - or we'll keep trying.

Discover influencers today

Find the right fit for your brand, understand the content an influencer posts about, surface sensitive content, and find past brand partnerships.